The single will act as the theme for the new Mobile Suite Gundam 00 Movie: Awakening of the Trailblazer (:
Comes out in theaters on 18th September.
The single will have three version, regular, limited and Gundam Editions. All three versions will have 'Ultimate'
the main song from Capcom's Last Ranker game.
Well what are you waiting for? Pre-order now to support UVERworld!
If you order the regular edition from CDJapan, it comes with something extra. Not sure what it is yet, CDJapan hasn't said anything yet in detail.
Last time I checked, there are only 23 extras left XDD
EDIT: Gundam Edition will only be printed till the 30th November -Credits to Ohitstanya-
More details to come, watch out for more updates.
9/15 にニューシングルのリリースが決定いたしました!
【劇場版・機動戦士ガンダム00-A wakening of Trailbrazer-】の主題歌です!