[[ 暖炉 ]]
作詞:マオ 作曲:shinji
Lyrics: Mao
Composed by: shinji
黒(くろ)い 歪(いびつ)な 今日(きょう)を終(お)わらす 浮(う)かぶ 浮(う)かぶ
Let the oppressed and dismal “today” end and soak the body
バスルームで 朝露(あさつゆ)の音(おと) 襟足(えりあし)へ伝(つた)う サラウンド
in a bath. A precarious sound kept floating to the nape of the neck. AROUND.
孤独(こどく)を求(もと)めては たぶん 孤独(こどく)を嘆(なげ)いた たぶん
Seeking solitude is merely a show, a sigh of loneliness.
段々(だんだん)と 届(とど)かない もう ヘルプミー
It is gradually getting impossible to be conveyed. HELP ME.
逃(に)げ場(ば)をなくした もろい彼は 暖色(だんしょく)の部屋(へや)へ
The estuary used for seeking escape is gone and the fragile him heads towards the room that is emitting a warm colour
名(な)ばかりの手 振(ふ)り払(はら)えたら どんなに楽(らく)だろう
How liberating it will be to throw away those useless things
弱(よわ)い 質素(しっそ)な つまり 純真無垢(じゅんしんむく)な彼に
Emaciated, guileless to the point of pure innocence
四半世紀(しはんせいき)を 迎えた頃は 寄生(きせい)した業虫(ぎょうちゅう) アラウンド
He welcomed the age of 25 with parasites all AROUND
呼(よ)び鈴(すず)に 過敏反応(かびんはんのう) あら 空気(くうき)を読(よ)んだのかしら
The over-reaction to the sound of the door bell, did you ever consider the appropriateness of the time and place?
段々(だんだん)と 届(とど)かない もう コールミー
It is gradually getting impossible to be conveyed. I had enough. HELP ME
よくある話(はなし)と 諦(あきら)めたら 装飾(そうしょく)の庭(にわ)へ
Giving up on the routine stuff, I head towards the brightly decorated courtyard
目(め)を細(ほそ)めて 誰(だれ)かを見抜(みぬ)く それも疲(つか)れた
Squinting, trying to look at others from another perspective. Yet even such an action is draining.
逃(に)げ場(ば)をなくした もろい僕(ぼく)は 暖色(だんしょく)の部屋(へや)へ
The estuary used for seeking escape is gone and the fragile him heads towards the room that is emitting a warm colour
名(な)ばかりの手 振(ふ)り払(はら)えたら どんなに楽(らく)だろう
How liberating it will be to throw away those useless things.
夢(ゆめ)を見(み)た そこには君(きみ)も 大(おお)きな暖炉(だんろ)も
I dreamt of it. You were there being embraced by the warm fireplace.
囲(かこ)んでた みんな笑(わら)ってた 僕(ぼく)は 遠(とお)くから泣(な)いてた
Everyone is smiling; except for the me standing at a distance while my tears fall.
Eh, lyrics may not be very accurate but the gist of it is there. (I think, I hope...) Please wait for gurakko to translate and interpret it properly! Use the translation at your own risk due to probable mistakes. Don't kill me if you spot something wrong ok? I tried my best but it was hard!!! Also don't kill me for spamming the comm.
Mao wrote on his blog that this song is based on the concept of "troubled solitude". Basically, Mao thinks that humans are actually very lonely creatures by nature. Even though humans can redeem themselves from the loneliness they face, they are also the ones responsible for pushing themselves even deeper into the depth of loneliness. The song describes the polymer of things that leads one to crave solitude such as deceptions and lies.
source: sidnad@lj