Saturday, September 3, 2011


iedul fitri came!
my moom cook ketupat to our family!
i love ketupat.. yummy!

Eating ketupat always are accompanied by rendang or chicken with coconut milk .. 
 i love itonly on the special holy day off course we take this menu .. 

I got it!!
I REALLY HAPPY!! >/////<
thank you shinji san! ^o^

Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy iedul fitri

心身ともにお許しください しんしんともにおゆるしください 

[Shinshin-tomo ni oyurushi kudasai shinshin tomoni oyurushi kudasai] 

"mohon maaf lahir dan bathin" 


[Iduru Fituri omedetou gozaimasu] 

"Selamat Idul Fitri"

 cheeruby's family 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Teddy Bear

i live this doll!
really cute n sweet!

mumpung imooto gue gak ada, gue ambil aja bonekanya XD
lucu sih!
buat temen di kamar.. walau gue udah punya boneka di kamar sih XD
tapi tapi.. klo banyakan bukannya bagus? ramai! dan harus berbagi dengan boneka, bantal, kadang juga laptop XD yah.. kamar gue sangat ramai! maklum.. pulang kuliah capek.. sembarangan saja tarohnya *plak* v(^.^)v

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Single
2011.9.28 Release


作詞 マオ / 作曲 Shinji
作詞 マオ / 作曲 御恵明希
3. NO LDK (Live from 『dead stock TOUR 2011』)
作詞 マオ / 作曲 Shinji


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Koala adalah salah satu hewan yang dilindungi. Betapa menyenangkannya bisa memiliki hewan ini. Akan tetapi, menjadikan koala sebagai hewan peliharaan bisa membuat kalian dihukum Di Australia, siapa pun yang memelihara koala akan mendapat hukuman penjara.

Kalau melihat besarnya koala dewasa, tahukah kalian kalau ketika dilahirkan, koala hanya memiliki panjang 1 inci (2,54 CM)? Beratnya hanya sebesar lebah saat koala dilahirkan. Bayi koala akan tetap berada di kantung ibunya hingga dia berusia 6 bulan dan saat masih menyusui.

Koala adalah salah satu dari beberapa mamalia yang memiliki sidik jari manusia. Sangat sulit membedakan keduanya bahkan di bawah mikroskop.

Hewan ini terkenal sebagai hewan yang suka sekali tidur. Koala mampu tidur hingga 18 jam setiap harinya. Saat tidak tidur, koala menggunakan waktunya untuk makan atau berpindah dari satu pohon ke pohon lain. Mereka juga bisa melompat hingga sejauh 150 kaki (45,72 meter) diukur dari puncak pohon.

Meskipun namanya memilik arti "tidak minum", koala masih tetap minum air! Hanya saja, binatang ini jarang sekali terlihat sedang minum. Koala mendapat air dari daun-daun eukaliptus yang dimakan olehnya.

Berbeda dengan jerapah yang hidup berkelompok. Koala adalah hewan penyendiri. Artinya, mereka hidup sendiri dan jarang terlihat sebagai kelompok. 

Mereka juga akan sangat melindungi daerah tempat tinggalnya. Koala menandai tempat tinggal dengan meninggalkan aroma tubuhnya di pohon dengan cara menggosok dada mereka ke pohon.

Koala adalah hewan yang sangat tenang dan tidak banyak bergerak. Mereka hanya aktif selama 2 jam per hari. Namun koala bisa mengeluarkan suara menggeram yang sangat keras dan agresif jika merasa terancam!

Meskipun terlihat tenang, koala juga bisa berlari. Ia bisa berlari dengan sangat cepat. Kecepatannya hampir sama seperti saat kelinci berlari.

Koala memiliki ekor. Ekor ini berfungsi sebagai tempat duduk mereka saat duduk di ranting pohon selama berjam-jam.

Koala jarang sekali turun dari pohon. Itu karena binatang ini memiliki beberapa predator, terutama anjing. Agar terhindar dari predator dan menjaga diri supaya tetap aman, mereka terus menetap di atas pohon.

pohon yang malang..
daunnya berguguran..
seperti tidak kuat menahan panasnya musim panas..

panas, terik si musim panas..
kadang ku merasakan panasnya bila bepergian di siang hari..
sangat terik..
tetapi.. pohon adalah sahabat di musim seperni ini..
semoga tidak ada lagi yang seperti ini..

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I got his tweet! (^ 3 ^)

New release titled "Sun'z up" to be out on the 03/08/2011. More information to be release later.
thanks to butters

SID new single will be release on 2011.09.28 

check it out on their ohp SID WEB

Friday, July 22, 2011

Piggu Life

my sunflowers!!
theyre looks so cool n bright!!

I always play it!
yeah.. contain my time ^^
where is my piggu?
he stand on the left side! yes! he is man! XD but.. im female.. coz i always play it on my sister's computer.. my flash player cant open it T__T and I must have another piggu.. i chose man.. coz I want to give him the best clothes in piggu land! and i got it!! he is being a cute boy >////<

see you (^-^)/

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Me said:
KENZO-KUN LOOKS SO HOT!!! (* __________ *)

why!! why takehito-san wore a black costum? ==' he was weird! XP
really love this PICTURE!

now now now..
im waiting for their single! ^o^)/

Saturday, July 16, 2011




残念ながら領域ショーを停止する必要があります今日、土曜日の雨それ制限するように見えた NOPE..



Monday, July 11, 2011

Wayang is an Indonesian word for theatre (literally "shadow").[1] When the term is used to refer to kinds of puppet theatre, sometimes the puppet itself is referred to as wayang. Performances of shadow puppet theatre are accompanied by gamelan in Java, and by "gender wayang" in Bali.
UNESCO designated Wayang Kulit, a shadow puppet theatre and the best known of the Indonesian wayang, as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on 7 November 2003. In return for the acknowledgment, UNESCO required Indonesians to preserve their heritage. (wikipedia)

I got the poster when I went to Senayan.. waw!! culinary travel! i love it!
nononono.. i dont want see wayang! its so boring! XPP

anyone want to go there? ^^

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Matsushita Yuya, Zero Creative, 
Epic Records Japan Inc.,9-6-35 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo-to, TOKYO, 107-8301, JAPAN.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


my notebook..
kayaknya agak eror akhir-akhir ini..
tidak mau masuk pigg-life!! masa harus pinjam laptop orang dulu! =='
udh gitu milih-milih lagi klo download!
di tambah lagi modem yang super duper lemot!!

mungkin keberatan memori atau ada yang harus di update.. ntahlah..
saya capek..

Monday, June 27, 2011

Gelar Jepang UI 2011!!
ivent tahunan yang letaknya di Universitas Indonesia. ivent tahunan dari fakultas Jepang yang hampir setiap tahun-nya sukses!

datangnya ma seorang teman ^^
cukup menarik.. daripada datang sendiri XP

tiket XD
bisa dibilang saya cuma setahun sekali ke UI n naek kereta! tragis.. lol

setelah tiba disana langsung ada band!! uiyyy..
tapi.. personilnya cuma pake tanktop! =='

hohoho.. sebagai cowok mungkin trgerak hatinya.. yaiyalah! itu penyanyi pake tanktop aja =='
dasar! mentang-mentang panas gak perlu pake itu aja kan? ==a

akhirnya!! *guling-guling*
dapat MOKONA!!! eh salah.. MODOKI!!!

ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ ƪ(˘⌣˘) ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐
DAPAT!! \(‾▿‾\) ┌(_o_)┐(/‾▿‾)

sampai jumpa taon depan!! o(゜∇゜*o)(o*゜∇゜)o~♪

Friday, June 24, 2011

Mao new Piggu


DEATHBIE's first single "鮮血のMARIYA(senketsu no MARIYA)" will be released at 2011/07/27

TYPE A (2,100yen) will include CD (3 songs)+DVD (including "鮮血のMARIYA(senketsu no MARIYA)" PV), and TYPE B (2,100yen) will include CD (4 songs) only

[CD track list]
01.鮮血のMARIYA(senketsu no MARIYA)
02.もうヘドバンなんてしないなんて言わないよ絶対(mou head-bang nanteshinai nanteiwanaiyo zettai) gueule de bois
04.コトリノサエズリ(kotori no saezuri) (included in TYPE B)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

ivent tahunan yang ada di jakarta! ^^

nyokap pasti ngajak kemari ^^ lumayan buat nyari tempat hiburan dan makanan tradisional Indonesia..
ada kerak telor

Es Selendang Mayang

Es Cendol

Es Pisang Hijau

waaaahh.. yumyum!! I LOVE IT! >w<)b

gue juga beli beberapa oleh-oleh XD
cuma gantungan hp dan gelang..
tapi.. gantungannya dari totan! dan gelang khas kalimantan! wwwwww..

buat gantungannya! ^^ lucu kan?? XD

lebih jelasnya ^^ lucu.. yang bulet kayak anjingnya Yuuya-san SID! si shokora XD makanya gue beli.. mirip XP di sampingnya kaykanya laki-laki deh.. biarlah.. anggapa aja itu shin XP

The last! ^^
gelangnya... manis banget!! pas lagi XD emang jeli yah mata gue? lol..

yah.. bagi yang bingung mau liburan kemana?! dateng aja ke PRJ! buat sabtu dan minggu tiketnya 25rb..

happy sunday! ^-^)/

1. Dengan tampilan dekstop, coba kamu buka notepad
2. isi dengan kode ini CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"I Love You"
3. Save file tersebut dengan nama xyz.vbs
4. Klik dua kali file yang tadi kamu buat (pastikan volume speaker kamu keras)
5. Jika file tersebut jalan, maka terdengar seseorang menyapa
6. Jika yang menyapa suara wanita maka komputer kamu berjenis kel4min perempuan dan begitu sebaliknya.

nah sekarang komputer atau laptop kamu cewek atau cowok


Saturday, June 18, 2011

AYABIE new single

AYABIE finally announced the details for their first major single on their OHP!
(They also changed the pictures, so take a look!)

「流星」 2011.8.24 on sale!!

■Type A(CD+DVD)
1.流星 (Ryuusei; shooting star)

流星 -PV- 

■Type B(CD+DVD)
1.流星 (Ryuusei; shooting star) 

Lilia -PV-
■Regular Edition(CD)
1.流星 (Ryuusei; shooting star)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse..
i saw it midnight
cool and beautiful, with red color..
fantastic and amazing! wao!! i love it!

im lucky to see it, i woke up in the night to see it..
i read article, lunar eclipse will appear 7 years again..

yeah yeah yeah! ^0^)/

Monday, June 13, 2011

SID will be releasing their LIVE DVD 『SIDNAD Vol.7 ~dead stock TOUR 2011~』 on 5th October 2011.

In addition, they will be holding a members only tour 会員限定ツアー2011 (Members Limited Tour ~ 2011) for ID-S and SID MOBILE members which will span a total of 8 performances.

They have also stated that their 1st single in 2011 will be announced soon.

Lastly, ID-S only concert in Nippon Bodokan in October is SOLD OUT! :)

Source: SID Official Site

Monday, May 23, 2011

Inobu Jfest

inobu Jfest! ini tahun ketiga gue pergi kesana! XD hampir gak absen juga sih.. abisan.. tempatnya deket dari rumah XD

temen.. yah.. tumbern bgt si Yutaka gak mau ngikut, akhirnya!! gue dapet si pengganti! wiwi!! yampun.. syukur deh lo mau bareng ma gue.. gue gak bisa berpikir klo kudu muter di jfest sendirian TT____TT untungnya dia mau.. makasih wi *hugs* ^^

tapi.. tapi.. HUJAN!! temen gue yang udah semangat '45 aja gak jd kesana.. dia keujanan.. makanya mas pake jas ujan kek! hujan dan anginnya di tabrak! xD matilah kau *plak* oke.. XDD aku nonton Chiku loh! oh ya.. kemaren chiku lemparin CD single mereka... gue gak dapet T_____T si Mr. Q ngelemparnya ke gue kek! biarpun gue cewek gue mau kok! XD semangat gretongan! ^0^)b

oh ya..
gue juga ketemu ma tmn2.. walau lupa ngambil photo.. sedih..
acaranya rame, bazarnya juga.. tetapi!! gue gak bisa blanja banyakk!! itu.. kemahalan.. patipati.. klopatipati gak ada gue relain selamanya deh! bete juga liat tampang si om! kesel!!!! gue kesel ma orang yang pamer di twitter! iya!! gue iri ma lo! apa gue gak boleh apa ngungkapin itu?! T____T

eeeeeeeeeeeettttttttt.. back to topic.. XD

ni tiketnya.. XD si jlk yang megang.. katanya buat kenang-kenangan XD

have a nice days!! ^0^

Saturday, May 21, 2011

band yang berasal dari alter Ego AYABIE.. wow!! katanya mereka lagi membuat lagu-lagunya.. OKE!! sabar!! akan gue tunggu! demi KENZO TERSAYANG!! ( ´艸`)

Mana Kenzo? mana?
hehheee.. itu yang nunduk! keliatan kok.. dari senyumannya.. senyuman mu mantep nak!! i lop yuu.. hehehee..


How can I said?
im so!! HOT!!
he is so HANDSOME! lol
yeah.. i have a song for him..

Avril Lavigne

Ah, ah ah
You're so good to me baby, baby

I wanna lock you up in my closet when no one's around
I wanna put your hand in my pocket because you're allowed
I wanna drive you into the corner and kiss you without a sound
I wanna stay this way forever I'll say it loud

Now you're in, and you can't get out

You make me so hot
Make me wanna drop
It's so ridiculous
I can barely stop
I can hardly breathe
You make me wanna scream
You're so fabulous
You're so good to me baby, baby
You're so good to me baby, baby

I can make you feel all better, just take it in
And I can show you all the places you've never been
And I can make you say everything that you've never said
And I will let you do anything again and again

Now you're in, and you can't get out


Kiss me gently
Always I know
Hold me, love me
Don't ever go
Ooh, yeah yeah

[Chorus X2]

You're so good 


this song is really same like me love him XD
but.. I can speak anymore about the kiss or something else.. i just love him.. yeah.. love him..

Friday, May 20, 2011

My Hair

i think.. i my hair like this XD
but.. because it too good, looks bad..
but I want it!! >///<

Monday, May 16, 2011

Chupa Cups

In the early 1950s, Bernat worked for an apple jam factory called "Granja Asturias". After he broached the idea of making lollipops, the investors left. Bernat took over the company in 1958 and renamed it Chupa Chups. He built the production machines and sold a striped bonbon on a wooden stick for one peseta each.
Bernat got the idea of a "bonbon with a stick" from a cursing mother as her child got sticky hands from melting sweets. Bernat felt that at that time, sweets were not designed with the main consumers — children — in mind. Shopkeepers were instructed to place the lollipops near the cash register within reach of children's hands, instead of the traditional placement behind the counter.
A giant Chupa Chups lollipop for sale
The Chupa Chups company was a success. Within five years Bernat's sweets were being sold at 300,000 outlets. When the candy was first created, the lolly sticks were made of wood but they switched to plastic sticks as a result of the Spanish wood shortage. After the end of the Francisco Franco dictatorship (1939–1975), the self-funded private company went international. In the 1970s the colorful lollipops appeared in Southeast Asian nations, such as Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines and Malaysia, as well as Australia. In the 1980s it expanded to the European and North American markets, and in the 1990s to most Asian countries. In China they were manufactured by Tatagum in Panyu, near Guangzhou. As of 2003, 4 billion lollipops a year are sold to 150 countries. The company has 2000 employees, makes 90 percent of its sales abroad, and has a turnover of 500,000,000.
In 1991, Bernat passed formal control of "Chupa Chups" to his son Xavier. The Smint subsidiary brand/company was founded in 1994.
In July 2006 the company as a whole was acquired by the Italian group Perfetti Van Melle.


chupachup is my fave lolipop!
aneka rasanya enak dan pas dilidah.. pengen nambah lagi dan lagi XD
ide nya cemerlang buat bikin chupacups..

SALUT \(´▽`)/

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Trust Me by Yuya Matsushita

I really wanna be with you
I really wanna really wanna be with you
coz you my love (love), you my shine (shine)
your my dear, so trust me trust me, trust me, yeah

Im here, soba ni iru kara
Call me, boku ga iru kara
Trust me, mou nani mou osorenaide
My dear, mienai itou de
Trust me, tsunagatte iru kara
Tada kanjitte iite kono nukumori

Chanto kikoette iru
Kimi no kokoro no koe
Chiisa na fuan sae
Boku ga tsumitotte ageru

Nandomo tsutaetai
Kimi wa hitori ja nai
Kawaru koto mou nai
Ai wa kitto koko ni aru

Naitte mireba ii
Tayotte mireba ii
Sono subete wo uketomeru to kimeta

Im here, koko ni itatte
Call me, hitotsu ni nareru
Trust me, kono omoi hodokenai kara
My dear, kakaeta nimutsu
Trust me, oroshite mireba ii
Sou kimi no tame ni boku ga irunda

I really wanna be with you
Trust me, trust me, trust me, yeah!

Dorehodo no kanashimi
Kimi wa kakushiteta no
Dorehodo no omoi wo
Mune ni tojikomete kita no
Itami to hikikae ni
Te ni ireta tsuyosa wo
Itsuka yasashi sae
Kimi wa kaete yukeru hazu

Daijina no wa
Kimi rashiku iru koto

Im here, tattoe sekai ga
Call me, owaru toshite mou
Trust me, tsunagu te wo hanasanai kara
My dear, itsuwari no nai
Trust me, mirai he arukidasou
Sou kimi no tame ni boku ga irunda

Im here, soba ni iru kara
Call me, boku ga iru kara
Trust me, mou nani mou osorenaide
My dear, mienai itou de
Trust me, tsunagatte iru kara
Tada kanjitte iite kono nukumori

Itsumade mou soba iru FOREVER
Itsumade mou hanare nai NEVER EVER
Ne, boku ni oshiete WHATEVER YOU SAY
Tsurai koto are ba subete norikomi
Moushi soredemo muri nara ba CALL ME CALL ME
You my love, you my shine, you my dear
Sekai teki ni mawashite mo TRUST IN ME

(Trust me, hop, hop, baby)

Naitte mireba ii
Tayotte mireba ii
Sono subete wo uketomeru to kimeta

Im here, koko ni itatte
Call me, hitotsu ni nareru
Trust me, kono omoi hodokenai kara
My dear, kakaeta nimutsu
Trust me, oroshite mireba ii
Sou kimi no tame ni boku ga irunda

Im here, soba ni iru kara
Call me, boku ga iru kara
Trust me, mou nani mou osorenaide
My dear, mienai itou de
Trust me, tsunagatte iru kara
Tada kanjitte iite kono nukumori

With me, mou hanarenaide
Give me, kokoro wo hiraide
Send me, subete wo tsutaite
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
With me, kotoba wa iranai
Give me, mitsume aeba ii
Send me, subete wo azukete
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Trust me, yeah baby)
(yeah, yeah)
(yeah, yeah)


I really wanna be with you
I really wanna, really wanna be with you
Cos you my love, you my shine, you my dear, so trust me, trust me, trust me, yeah

(I'm here) I'm right here
(Call me) I'm right beside you
(Trust me) You don't need to fear anything anymore
(My tear) We're connected by
(Trust me) An invisible thread
So feel my warmth by your side.

I can hear
the voice of your heart
I'll soothe away even your smallest fears

I want to tell you, no matter how many times
You're not alone
Love that never changes
Is right here

It's okay to cry
To rely on me
I've long since decided to accept your everything

(I'm here) Wherever you may be
(Call me) We'll be as one
(Trust me) These feelings for you will never change
(My tear) Just put down
(Trust me) Those burdens you're carrying
I exist for your sake

I really wanna be with you
Trust me, trust me, trust me, yeah!

Just how much sadness
Have you been keeping to yourself
Just how much of your feelings
Have you been sealing away
I believe you'll be able to change
The strength you gained
in exchange for your pain
into kindness

Even if they steal from you
try to break you
the important thing
is to stay as yourself

(I'm here) Even if the world
(Call me) were to end
(Trust me) I'll never let go of your hand
(My dear) Let's start on a road
(Trust me) without deceit
I exist for you

(I'm here) I'm right here
(Call me) I'm right beside you
(Trust me) You don't need to be afraid
(My tear) We're connected by
(Trust me) An invisible thread
So just feel my warmth by your side.

I'll stay by your side Forever
I'll never stray Never Ever
I'm in love with Whatever you do
Hey, teach me Whatever you say
Try to overcome your pain
If that's not enough, Call me call me
You my love, you my shine, you my dear
Even if the world is against us Trust in me

It's okay to cry
To rely on me
I've long since decided to accept your everything

(I'm here) Wherever you may be
(Call me) We'll be as one
(Trust me) These feelings for you will never change
(My tear) Just put down
(Trust me) Those burdens you're carrying
I exist for your sake

(I'm here) I'm right here
(Call me) I'm right beside you
(Trust me) You don't need to be afraid
(My tear) We're connected by
(Trust me) An invisible thread
So just feel my warmth by your side.

(With me) Stay with me
(Give me) Open your heart
(Send me) Tell me everything
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
(With me) Words aren't needed
(Give me) Just look into each other's eyes
(Send me) Leave everything to me
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah