Arekara ikutsuka no moeruyouna koi mo shite
Kirei ni natta atashi wo mitehoshikute doufuu
Unmei no akai ito taguri yose saikai ni
Odoroita anata no kao tookukara itoshikute
Otoko nante ne minna onaji anatamo sounano?
Chigau omoi tsuzuketeta nee issho desho?
Anata konomi jyanai shikatanaku nanone futari wo jyama suru anoko
Yasashii dakedato baka ni miruwa Atashi ga kitte ageru
Mazu wa kouyo atashi no sonzai wo shiraseruno
184 no arashi de nemuri ubatte ageru
"Shitsukoi onna kirawareruwa hayaku dete ikinasai"
Rusuden no kazu ai no omosa nano
Kimochi wa wakaruwa kare wa miryokuteki dakedo tsuriawanaikara
Ippouteki dato kizuite choudai Atashi ni wa katenai
Un yatto anoko mo akirametawa harete futari kiri
Nakigao mo kawaii no ne kinensatsuei
Hazukashiikeredo hajimeteno hito wa anata dato kimetearuno
Ima ai ni yukuwa matteitene nigecha yada
Ikutsumo moeruyouna koi wo shitekitawa atashi
Dakedo anata dakeyo kono sugata wo miseruno wa anata wa tokubetsu
Kanji Mousou Nikki 2 |  |
あれからいくつかの 燃えるような 恋もして
綺麗になった私を 見てほしくて 同封
運命の赤い糸 たぐりよせ 再会ね
驚いたあなたの顔 遠くから 愛しくて
男なんてね みんな同じ あなたもそうなの?
違う 想い続けてた ねぇ 一緒でしょ?
あなた好みじゃない 仕方なくなのね 二人を邪魔する あの子
優しいだけだと 馬鹿に見るわ 私が切ってあげる
まずはこうよ 私の存在を知らせるの
184 の嵐で 眠り 奪ってあげる
留守電の数 愛の重さなの
気持ちはわかるわ 彼は魅力的 だけど つり合わないから
一方的だと気づいてちょうだい 私には勝てない
うん やっとあの子も 諦めたわ 晴れて二人きり
泣き顔も可愛いのね 記念撮影
恥ずかしいけれど 初めての人は あなただと決めてあるの
今 逢い行くわ 待っていてね 逃げちゃヤダ
いくつも 燃えるような 恋をしてきたわ 私
だけど あなただけよ この姿を見せるのは あなたは特別 |
Since then, I also had Several fiery Romances
I became beautiful and Wanting you to see that I enclosed it in a letter
The red thread of destiny Reel it in tight Let's reunite
Your shocked face Looks endearing From afar
When it comes to men They're all the same Are you like that too?
No You kept on feeling for me Hey We're together aren't we?
She's not your type That can't be helped That girl Who gets in our way
If you're nothing but kind You'll make a fool of yourself I'll dump her for you
First of all, do it this way I'll inform her of my presence
And help you rob her Of sleep With a flurry of 184 calls
The number of my voice messages Weighs of my love
I understand how you feel He's attractive However You're not a good match, so
I'll have you realise this is one-sided You can't beat me
Mmhm That girl has also Given up at last With things straightened out, the two of us are all alone
Your crying face is cute as well I'll take a commemorative photo
This is embarrassing but I've decided that you will Be my first
I'll go meet you Now Wait for me Don't you flee
I Have gone through Several Fiery romances
But You're the only one To whom I'll show myself You're special
translation from
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